What does it look like when you combine an interest of motion picture special effects with conventional photography? A world that is too fantastic to be real and too real to be fantasy.
Examples of Thomas Herbrich’s photography…
Example 2… (Be sure to click on “MAKING OF”)
In addition to his work as a photographer for advertising agencies and magazines, Thomas Herbrich presents what he calls storyteller shows. He says, “I prefer to tell my own stories on stage, and produce elaborate picture shows on unusual topics. My motto is: ‘Surprise yourself—and your audience!'”
Thomas Herbrich’s storyteller shows…
And now, for something completely different: THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MOON LANDING (10.1MB PDF)…
Images used with permission: Thomas Herbrich, herbrich-shows.com
Posted in JULY 2019 / Chuck Green is the principal of Logic Arts, a design and marketing firm, a contributor to numerous magazines and websites, and the author of books published by Random House, Peachpit Press, and Rockport Publishers. All rights reserved. Copyright 2007-2019 Chuck Green/Logic Arts Corporation. Contact.